Question: What reasons does Epicurus give for thinking that death is not bad for the one who dies?

What reasons does Epicurus give for thinking that death is not bad for the one who dies?


Epicurus, the ancient Greek philosopher, argued that death is not inherently bad for the one who dies. He provided several reasons to support this view:

  1. Absence of Sensation: Epicurus believed that death is the permanent cessation of all sensation and consciousness. Since pain and suffering are products of sensation and consciousness, death means the absence of these negative experiences. Therefore, he argued that death is not something to be feared because it eliminates the possibility of experiencing pain and suffering.

  2. No Experience in Death: Epicurus claimed that death is nothing to us because, when we exist, death is not present, and when death is present, we do not exist. In other words, we can only experience things when we are alive, so the experience of death itself is not something we will ever encounter.

  3. Death is Natural: Epicurus considered death to be a natural and inevitable part of life. It is not something that can be avoided, so there is no point in fearing it. Instead, he argued that we should focus on living a pleasurable and virtuous life in the time we have.

  4. Fears of the Afterlife: Epicurus rejected the idea of an afterlife, including the belief in punishment or rewards in an afterlife. He argued that the fear of post-mortem consequences was a source of unnecessary anxiety and that there is no reason to fear divine retribution in death.

In summary, Epicurus' argument against the fear of death is based on the absence of sensation, the lack of experience in death, the inevitability of death, and the rejection of fears related to the afterlife. He believed that death should not be a source of anxiety or distress, and individuals should focus on pursuing a life of pleasure and virtue while they are alive.




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